Sunday, April 19, 2015

Feb 24-Jan 3: Invercargill/Sparky's

Invercargill is the southernmost city. Home to Burt Munro for those who have seen the movie "The World's Fastest Indian" with Anthony Hopkins. We took a drive on Oreti beach where he used to race his bikes, also saw his motorcycles and bits and pieces at a local hardware store.
Bluff is one of the southernmost points of the south island, there is one of those touristy-signposts like at the northernmost Cape Reinga, so we have offically gone from "Reinga to Bluff".
We also did a short workstay at Sparky's backpackers- a fun and friendly hostel where the owner, Sparky, needed a gate built to keep his pet goat, Lily, out of the hostel.
I was encouraged to put a personal signature on it, so I put up a plywood maple leaf and named it "Tim Horton's Gate" with a plaque- so Canadians are represented in this part of the world. It took a while to explain what Tim Hortons means- no-one understands how crappy coffee could be so popular.

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